is a professional tool used to monitor and analyze website traffic. Provides access to a large amount of statistics on user behavior and activity on the web. With this system, you will find out how many visitors you have had and how many times your site has been visited, how many of them are active on the web, what they are looking for, how much time they spend there and whether they return, how long they stay, how they find your website, what technical possibilities they have, their method and place of internet connection and many other indicators. Everything is exported to clear tables and graphs.

If you run a website with less than 500,000 pageviews per month, you can take advantage of the basic version, which is free. In addition, you can subscribe to another 2 tariffs according to the range of services provided: Tariff Profi and Tariff Premium. The Premium tariff can be tested free of charge for a period of 30 days. In addition, your website will be included in the catalog. After registering your website, you will insert HTML code (script) on each page you want to measure and you will be able to use one of the three tariffs according to your preferences and needs. is in the Czech Republic and provides quality e-mail and telephone support.