
The Heureka.sk comparator falls under the company Heureka Group a.s. and was launched in 2008. It is one of the largest sources of orders in Slovakia and has a better conversion rate than Google.

In addition to the comparative options, the Heureka Marketplace claims to increase turnover by up to 31%. Other features of Heureka Marketplace are:

  • direct sale of goods through the Heureka portal
  • an intermediary and guarantor for safe purchasing
  • supports and promotes your brand
  • acts as a partner, Heureka does not sell any of its own products
  • it has the lowest commissions on the market and you do not pay any additional hidden fees
  • according to surveys, it increases the interest and trust of customers to e-shops involved in the program

To increase reputation, it is possible to join the Verified by Customers project, which offers several bonuses to encourage potential customers to buy from you. Bonuses include:

  • receiving valuable feedback from customers, satisfaction ratings and improvement suggestions
  • increased conversion rate
  • the opportunity to attain the top e-shop
  • an AssortmentReport to provide useful data
  • participation in the ShopRoku competition
  • the opportunity to export store reviews and reviews of your own Heureka products to your website
  • the ability to place a concise widget and icons on your website to increase revenue

To expand to the Slovak market, will entail meeting several criteria:

  • ensure the delivery of goods to Slovakia
  • register on Heureka.sk with your e-shop
  • upload XML feeds with EUR prices as well as product URLs that lead to the EUR prices page
  • product names and descriptions must be in Slovak., e-shops sending Czech names and descriptions are no longer approved and remain blocked