
Heureka is the largest and most used price comparator and shopping portal in the Czech Republic. It registers about 3 million visitors a month, contains 17 million products, associates tens of thousands of e-shops and is represented in the top ten most visited Czech websites. Heureka.cz was established in 2007 and in addition to comparing the prices of individual products and offering advice on purchasing, it also offers other services:

  • comparison of parameters of specific products
  • evaluation of e-shops by verified customers
  • product reviews and ratings
  • an overview of the development of discounts and market news
  • alerts on suspicious e-shops

Heureka also allows e-shops to obtain a Customer Verified certificate, issued by the customers themselves, after completing a short questionnaire in order to evaluate the purchase. According to the number of respondents for a certain period of time (90 days), this certificate is further divided into blue and gold. The blue label Verified by Customers requires dozens of ratings, while the gold label requires hundreds. Another criterion for granting a certificate is to obtain at least 90% to97% approval rating for the above-mentioned monitoring period. Verification by customers is important to increase the prestige of your online store. However, the validity of the verification can be automatically removed following a few negative reviews. The Verified by Customers certificate allows you to use other Heureka services as follows:

  • possibility to increase the price per click (bidding)
  • participation in ShopRoku competitions
  • AssortmentReport (access to valuable data for e-shop staff who are responsible for the design of the assortment and the creation of prices)
  • ability to export reviews of stores and products to websites